Tuesday, March 25, 2008


"You know, you've got quite a bit of stuffed animals,"
"Aren't they cute?"
"It's all... pigs,"
"Pigs are awesome,"
"You're a pig too,"
"And so are you,"
"We're both pigs, except you look and act more like one, and not in the astrological sense,"
"Just kidding... I think?"

A tease that will never be unused.

"Ah! Look!"
"That's a big... pig,"
"It's so cute!"
"Let's go in and take a look,"
"It's so comfortable,"
"If I bought that for you I'd be kicked out of the bed,"
"Ha ha, you're right. No room for you then!"
"That's not fair,"
"Look, there's a smaller one,"
"Now this I don't mind. You want her?"
"Can I?
"Of course you can,"

More and more and more.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Changing Seasons

"So we're back here,"
"Yes, we are,"
"It's... different. Maybe I should go,"
"What's different?
"You know what I'm talking about,"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I look at you and don't see anything different,"
"It's not-"
"It's just me and you,"
"And no one else?"
"No one else,"

The world moves swiftly, but under blinded eyes, time is still.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Room Without Light

"It's been a while since you've been staying here,"
"I wouldn't be anywhere else. If I'm not here... who'll be taking care of you?"
"Maybe you shouldn't. You're putting so much on yourself for doing this,"
"I really don't mind. Don't care actually, about anything else but you,"
"You shouldn't do that,"
"I do it anyways,"
"...you do. Thank you,"

One focus.

"You should go back,"
"I'll go back if you'll come with me,"
"But I'll be so much trouble,"
"Yes... with your family, and all,"
"There isn't any trouble at all. Say what they say, do what they want. This is you and me,"
"Is it really?"
"Yes, it is. So come with me,"
"I will. I will,"

Determined to do what must be done.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Golden Horse

"It's tough doing this,"
"It is. What do you want to do about it?"
"I don't think I can continue with this job. I like it, a lot. But the hours..."
"It's up to you. If you want to quit, it's alright. It's terrible for your health,"
"Yeah... I think I'll do that,"
"Whatever your decision, I'll stand by you,"

Troubled by thoughts.

"It's done,"
"That's a little sudden. I thought the plan was different,"
"I know. I just couldn't take it anymore,"
"Hey... it's alright,"
"I need to get out of here,"
"To where?"
"You know I'll follow you,"
"Maybe you shouldn't,"
"I'd follow you anywhere, anytime. Let's go,"
"Thanks for staying with me,"
"Always will,"

Choices made that can't be undone, and never will.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Excerpts from a Bed 2

"I don't know what I could do if you weren't here,"
"Me either,"
"I wouldn't be able to sleep,"
"That's why I'm always here to hold you in bed,"
"I wouldn't know what would have happened to me,"
"Nothing. I would have come across you,"
"Don't ever leave me,"
"I won't,"

A fragile emotion, sealed with a kiss.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cigarettes on a Raised Sidewalk

"Wanna go for a smoke?"
"Up or down?"
"Alright. It's hot and stuffy upstairs, and it stings my eyes,"

An addiction to intoxication.

"Let me sit closer,"
"How about this close?"
"Haha, a little too close! There's lot of people watching,"
"I don't really care, they can see and think whatever they want. It doesn't matter,"
"Doesn't matter at all... your heart's beating really fast,"
"It is?"
"It is,"
"Of course it is. It's always beating so fast when you're around me,"
"You're feeling it yourself. You tell me,"

Like a dream that never was.

"They're waiting for us,"
"Let them wait. They'll probably start anyways,"
"Want to share another cigarette?"

Unawares and uncaring.

In an Austrian Bakery

"What's good here?"
"Smoked salmon spaghetti?"
"Haha, besides that, of course,"
"You can try the pizza,"
"Hmmm... I don't really fancy pizza. It's difficult to eat,"

Likes, and dislikes.

"You really love your tomato soup, don't you,"
"It's great. Have a sip, ahh,"
"You want to try some of my Viennese latte?"
"I really need to stop drinking so much latte, it's fattening,"
"But you love it,"
"Of course I do,"
"Do you love me as much as you love latte?"
"That's not a fair question,"
"Not fair at all,"

Questions once again. But questions to understand.

"What was that about fattening?"
"Pretty please?"
"You know I'd let you do anything,"
"Yay! Brownies, have a bite,"
"Just one. The salad and pizza was quite a bit,"

Like children, all over again. Growing up, a second time.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Excerpts from a Bed

"When are you going to buy me flowers?"
"I don't like flowers as gifts,"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Flowers only last for a very short while. If I do get you something... I'd get you something that lasts for a very long time,"
"Like what?"
"Like a lot of things,"
"Tiger lilies are nice,"
"They are,"
"If you do buy me flowers, I want some tiger lilies,"
"We'll see,"

This emotion is forever.

"Shouldn't you be getting to work? It's late,"
"It'll be fine,"
"Are you alright?"
"I'm completely fine. I just want to be with you. Just look at you. I can do this for the whole day,"
"That's what I'm doing right now, isn't it?"
"Tell me you love me,"
"I love you,"

Without an end.

Butterfly Earrings, Iced Cafe Latte and a Mocha.

"Let's go somewhere,"
"The mall?"
"The mall's a good place,"
"It'll be our first time, yeah?"

Hands held together, a day out, a walk, a date.

"Wanna catch a movie?"
"Hm... no, I don't feel like it,"
"Why not?"
"In a movie, we can't talk to each other. I'd like to know more about you,"
"Oh. That makes sense. Let's walk around first instead,"

A small chip by chip, layers peeled off, growing deeper, growing closer.

"That's so gorgeous,"
"You want to try it on?"
"Nah, I'd never look good in it with my type of body,"
"You think so? I'd think you'd look great. Try it on anyway,"
"Well, okay,"
"See, it looks really nice,"
"But, my tummy,"
"It's just a little bit,"
"Haha, maybe next time, I need to lose some weight first,"

Unaware of the world, only two people, lost inside a world of beauty.

"Ohhh, look at this,"
"A pair of butterfly earrings, real pretty,"
"Yeah it is- Where are you going with it?"
"To pay up. You don't need to try it on, it'll look great,"
"What? You don't have to, it's alright..."
"There. You look beautiful with these,"
"This is the first time you're buying something for me. I'm happy!"

A pair of earrings. A pair of lovers.

"What are you looking at? Is something on my face?"
"I just feel like looking at you,"
"You're beautiful,"
"Haha, I'm not that beautiful,"
"Yes, you are,"
"Let's finish up our coffee. It's getting late,"
"Thanks for everything,"

And no more words are needed, for a feeling that cannot be described.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Champagne for the Soul

"Wow, this place is so pretty,"
"Yeah, it is... I wasn't expecting it,"
"Look at the lawn..."
"This is gonna be great,"
"Look at what they did to the garage,"
"Let's go and check it out,"
"Beds and sofas everywhere, haha,"
"Let's get comfortable before dinner,"

A night out in the starry undiscovered skies.

"I've never felt this pampered,"
"Me too. Great thing we chose to come here,"
"Champagne, flowers... am I dreaming?"
"I hope i'm not,"

A state of unbelieving. A state of true happiness.

"Best dinner I've ever had,"
"The fish was really good,"
"We need to thank them for the shooters, haha,"
"You think he'll get in trouble for that?"
"Nah... oh! Tiramisu,"
"Real Tiramisu..."
"Best dessert i'm ever going to have,"

A not so ordinary meal between two very special people.

"Let's go out to the lounge,"
"Yeah, we've still got a lot of wine,"
"Let's save some for later... when we get home,"
"Haha, good idea,"

Only one path to take, and none other to stray to.

"Thanks for everything tonight, I really enjoyed it,"
"I'm glad you did,"
"Best Valentine's dinner I've ever had..."
"I'm happy that you're happy,"
"I love you,"

And there were no more spoken words, only emotions.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Taking A Stroll Down A Pavement

"Are you busy?"
"Huh? No, what's up,"
"Uhm... I was wondering... uhm, nevermind,"
"What? What is it? Just tell me,"
"Well, you see, a few of my friends are having a party... i've been invited, but I don't have anyone to go with me... Can you be my escort?"
"Me? You sure? Where's the party at?"
"In KL, Ascott,"
"But I don't have transport, and err..."

And I looked you in your eyes and saw that infinite sadness in your beautiful soul.

"Oh well, sure, i'll come. What's the dress code?"
"You will? Thanks alot! Semi-formal... but a little casual. It's just a party with a group of friends,"
"Alright then, i'll be seeing you. Wait, how am I gonna get there?"
"We can take a cab together, let's meet up and go from here on that day,"

And it was decided.

"wow. I was shocked for a while. You're a little... over dressed?"
"I am? It's just a tee with a shirt over it... but yeah, maybe a little. I'm hungry, you wanna grab something to eat first before we go?"
"Yeah, let's. We've still alot of time,"

A moment of embarassment.

"So... what do you want me to do when we get there?"
"Hm... just relax and help out prepare some stuff,"
"And... after that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I don't know anybody there, so don't leave me alone, okay? Haha,"
"Yeah of course! You're my escort,"

Uncertainty. A mistake?

"Uhm, hi,"
"He's my escort for today,"
"Can I help with anything? Carrying stuff and... oh, okay,"

A smile. And even more embarassment.

"Just relax here with the guys, i'll be in the room smoking up a bit,"
"Ah... okay,"
"You want some?"
"Oh, no thanks,"

And there was laughter.

"It's my ex,"
"Huh? Oh... uhm,"
"Just keep quiet... I don't want to see him,"

A gripping hand, anxiety, sadness, fear, anger. A welling of emotions.

"I still love him so much, but he's done so many things,"
"Hey, it's alright... these kind of things takes time, right?"
"I know... but it still hurts so much,"
"Hey, you've got a lot of friends and-"
"Can I borrow your knee?"
"What? I mean, okay, but..."

And there was the first connection. Tears, sadness, happiness. Love.

"I fell asleep? Oh, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked so tired and comfortable, sorry, I didn't know what to do!"
"It's okay... brr, it's freezing,"
"Yeah, we better get in... Ouch, my leg's asleep,"
"It is? I'm so sorry,"
"Ha ha, it's alright, it's alright, i'll just wait a bit,"

Some time to think, but just not enough.

"Wow, i'm really cold, i'm gonna go in one of the rooms and use the blanket,"
"You gonna be alright? You're really freezing,"
"Yeah I will, just gonna go warm up a little,"

And a nudge from another person, a small persuasion, a set up.

"Hey, is everything alright?"
"Haha, still freezing,"
"Let me get you more things to cover yourself with,"
"No, it's okay, i'll be fine... can you, uhm, come over here?"
"Huh? Oh, okay,"
"You're warm,"

An awkward silence. A closeness that was never felt. A spark of life. A kiss.

"What was that for?"
"I don't know,"

An act of impulse. Lust, love. A return. An embrace.

"Hey... are you sure you want to do... this?"
"Uhm, I... i'm not sure. I shouldn't. I feel like i'm taking advantage of you,"
"We better stop..."
"Yeah. It's getting late, you need to get back,"
"Alright... i'll tell the rest,"

A realisation. Guilt. Or... self protection?

"Can I hold your hand?"
"Uh... okay, but I dont think..."
"Nevermind, i'm sorry,"

Tears again. Looked away. Buried in questions that had no certain answer. And even then... hands were held anyway.

"Yeah, coffee's good,"
"So... I think we should know each other more,"
"We should,"
"I mean, i'm not a very social person, and you just got off a relationship, and... I don't know what i'm trying to say,"
"You're silly,"
"I am? Yeah, I am,"

Confusion. But a certainty deep inside.

"Let me hold your hand a little more..."
"Alright. Sure,"

A feeling of deep warmth. Happiness. A companion. An empty void that was whole again. No longer alone.

"I'll see you around, okay?"
"Yeah, okay,"
"It's been a long night... good night,"
"Good night,"

Questions everywhere. But just no time. Too much in just one night.

"Oh, hi! I... didn't see you yesterday,"
"Yeah... I was busy with something. How's... everything?
"Everything is alright,"
"Yeah? That's good then,"

A remembrance. A renewal of feelings. A confirmation. An answer to every question.

"Hey, is it okay if I dropped by your place?"
"Huh? Why?"
"I don't have any tranport home today... a friend can pick me up, but he can't come all the way,"
"Oh... so you mean he can pick you up from my place? Well, that's okay, I guess,"
"It's okay? Thank you,"

Questions again. Uncertainty. A need to know.

"This is my room. A little messy, right? Sorry about that,"
"It's alright..."
"So, let's hang out and wait for your friend to call you,"
"Yeah... let's,"
"Hm... what do you wanna do?"
"I don't know..."
"Well, let's... think of something,"
"You've got a small bed,"

A night that will never be forgotten.

"That was... amazing,"
"Yeah, it was,"
"It's getting late... can I stay the night here?"
"Yes, of course, you can,"

And the night went on, and on. Nothing else, in this entire world, in the heavens, in the stars, except for two people. A night that will last forever.